WAEC is an examination highly anticipated {and sometimes dreaded} by all secondary students in West Africa. For anybody to pass out of secondary school, it is necessary to attempt the examination at least once. WAEC stands for The West African Examinations Council. The exams hold in five Anglophobic West African countries namely Nigeria, The Gambia, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia. At least a million Nigerian students apply for the May/June WAEC exams. If you have however, stumbled upon this article by chance, you will be most pleased to learn that STRONG guides to face and pass WAEC with VERY GOOD grades will be given here. Anyone can pass WAEC and have C’s all through.
But here, we want you to target at least a ‘B’ grade in all the subjects you are sitting for in the exam and pass BETTER than most {if not all} of the students in your set. I was given some of these tips by my teachers because I was privileged to attend a private school where maximum attention was given to passing WAEC. In fact, one of the officials who sets part of the questions for the English exam, took my set for three months before the exams started {I ranked as his best student and he was to give me his personal prize awarded to his best student every year but sadly, he did not show up for my Valedictory Service}.
Eliminate The Fear of The Examination From Your Mind You need not be scared. Seniors from previous sets may have given you wrong ideas but you need to brush all of them off. The exam is moderately easy for students who have studied how WAEC official set their questions. This is explained in the next point. Learn How To Checkmate WAEC I guess you already know the exam questions are set from what is in your Senior Secondary School curriculum. That means all your topics from SSS1- SSS3. Looking at the volume of topics you will have to go through might be discouraging and you wish you have an ‘Area of Concentration’ that your teacher usually gives you before exams. Well, the good news is, you can create your own AOC {area of concentration}. Contrary to popular belief, WAEC officials don’t set questions from random topics. Especially for the essay {theory} part of their questions. Go through the past questions of five consecutive years and you’ll find there’s a pattern. Some topics are usually emphasized upon and repeated. FIND THOSE TOPICS AND CONCENTRATE ON THEM. Now, the volume of topics you have to read has been cut down to a sizeable number you can read faster. There is something I have learnt over the years and it’s to focus on something and also set goals. If you run after two wall geckos at a time, you’ll end up killing none. You’ll have to focus on one and kill it. Half bread is better than none. The reason why I said what I said above is to allow you focus on what grade you want to have in each of the subjects you offer. The objectives part of the exam constitutes fifty percent of the total score. Same goes for the essay. Now, imagine yourself following my AOC tip and scoring 35% out of 50% in the essay part of the exam. Surely, those topics you concentrated on will constitute at least half of the objectives part. 35 plus 25 equals 60. A sixty in WAEC is a decorated ‘B’. That means that’s the least possible score you can make. Cool huh? Just by following tips online.
But then, you need to go the extra mile and beat the ‘A’ mark, 75%. Who knows, you might be the WAEC’s best overall student in your country. Now that you see how easy it is to murder WAEC questions, let’s move onto actually taking action with the knowledge acquired. Knowledge without action is almost equal to nothing, you know… Plan Your Reading Schedule Well Armed with your new found knowledge, the next thing to do is buying a fresh new notebook and jotting down the ten subjects you are offering in WAEC. Get your AOC for each and every subject. Set a timetable. Set the times to read the subjects and DO NOT FOR ANY REASON PROCRASTINATE. If you are not very good at retention, you can take tips here.
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Eliminate The Fear of The Examination From Your Mind You need not be scared. Seniors from previous sets may have given you wrong ideas but you need to brush all of them off. The exam is moderately easy for students who have studied how WAEC official set their questions. This is explained in the next point. Learn How To Checkmate WAEC I guess you already know the exam questions are set from what is in your Senior Secondary School curriculum. That means all your topics from SSS1- SSS3. Looking at the volume of topics you will have to go through might be discouraging and you wish you have an ‘Area of Concentration’ that your teacher usually gives you before exams. Well, the good news is, you can create your own AOC {area of concentration}. Contrary to popular belief, WAEC officials don’t set questions from random topics. Especially for the essay {theory} part of their questions. Go through the past questions of five consecutive years and you’ll find there’s a pattern. Some topics are usually emphasized upon and repeated. FIND THOSE TOPICS AND CONCENTRATE ON THEM. Now, the volume of topics you have to read has been cut down to a sizeable number you can read faster. There is something I have learnt over the years and it’s to focus on something and also set goals. If you run after two wall geckos at a time, you’ll end up killing none. You’ll have to focus on one and kill it. Half bread is better than none. The reason why I said what I said above is to allow you focus on what grade you want to have in each of the subjects you offer. The objectives part of the exam constitutes fifty percent of the total score. Same goes for the essay. Now, imagine yourself following my AOC tip and scoring 35% out of 50% in the essay part of the exam. Surely, those topics you concentrated on will constitute at least half of the objectives part. 35 plus 25 equals 60. A sixty in WAEC is a decorated ‘B’. That means that’s the least possible score you can make. Cool huh? Just by following tips online.
But then, you need to go the extra mile and beat the ‘A’ mark, 75%. Who knows, you might be the WAEC’s best overall student in your country. Now that you see how easy it is to murder WAEC questions, let’s move onto actually taking action with the knowledge acquired. Knowledge without action is almost equal to nothing, you know… Plan Your Reading Schedule Well Armed with your new found knowledge, the next thing to do is buying a fresh new notebook and jotting down the ten subjects you are offering in WAEC. Get your AOC for each and every subject. Set a timetable. Set the times to read the subjects and DO NOT FOR ANY REASON PROCRASTINATE. If you are not very good at retention, you can take tips here.
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