1. You probably weren’t the easiest daughter to raise, especially as a teenager. Rules are meant to be broken – until your kid is the one doing it. Still, you know how to talk to them about tough topics, like drugs and sex, without sounding like a “Just Say No” ad from the eighties. Meaningful, clear communication is the only way to do it, and you’re nothing short of an expert on that.
2. Nothing can keep you from protecting your kids and anyone who knows you knows not to mess with them. Whether it’s a bully on the playground or a teacher who raises their voice a little too much at them, you’ll stand up for your child for the rest of your life. It’s natural instinct to protect your offspring, and you do so like a vicious lioness.
3. Mediocrity is not an option in your household. Setting goals and working hard to achieve them is evident in your daily life, and kids learn by example. Without even trying, you teach them to value independence and perseverance. Remember where they got it from next time you’re feeling particularly proud – they’re taking after you!
5. The lessons never really stop. As you create memories with your little one, you hide small tips of advice they’ll pull out when they’re older and on their own. You might know this feeling, too, of hearing your mom telling you what you should do in the back of your head. Those moments are some of the most amazing parts of your relationship. One day, they’ll say they consulted you without you even knowing, and you’ll know you did your job. Love this article? Share it with your friends on Facebook And Follow Us on Twitter @lifestylegist FOLLOW US ON OUR BBM CHANNEL C002A9544 FOR LATEST GIST.
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