For people like me that attended schools that have large off campus hostels residents {Olabisi Onabanjo University and MAPOLY for example} we met different types of people outside. Living off-campus was fun but quite dangerous.
Mainly because of the low level of security. There were different types of halls with different behaviors, landlords, reputations, students and so on. I’ll be introducing you to how it was back then for us if you lived in the school hostel or allowing you reminisce on your school days if you lived off campus hostels like me.
The cultists
Most of them sat down in groups of five or six, observing movements on the street. You usually find them smoking and drinking, taking to each other in low tones and looking out for ‘prey’ to harass. They observe the particular person they want to pick on from far and call out to him/her. One of the first phrases they use is ‘You sabi me?’ Off campus residents can relate to that well. Most times, their demands are met. It happened to me twice before my matriculation but then, never again.
The Spoon Crew The funniest of the lot. They always have spoons in their pockets while moving from room to room looking for whose food to devour. They’d just shake your hand, greet you like ‘Baba, how far na,’ and move to your kitchen {If you are living in a self-contained room}. They repeat the process in different rooms until they are sure they have satisfied their bellies. There was only one particular member of the spoon crew where I lived and this guy always knew when I cooked yam porridge. Even when I closed my window while cooking. Once I heard something metal knocking on my door after cooking the porridge, I knew it is neither Jehovah witness nor landlord asking for rent. It was always this guy… 😕 The Owners of the Factory Machines Oh My God!!! These guys rob you of your sleep. Throughout the night, your head will just be vibrating with the sound of their ‘Yamaham’ generators. You won’t be able to sleep, cry or shout during the night. All you can just do is to curse them silently. The worst part is they always seem to have money to buy fuel even during times of scarcity or subsidy removal.
The Serial Bangers These ones have only one skill. Inviting girls to their rooms to ‘finish them off’. Every day, there are different types of girls flooding into their rooms. Skinny, fat, huge, black, yellow, Ibo, Edo, Yoruba, Calabar and all sorts. We usually hailed them most of time and looked at them mischievously after emerging with a new girl from their respective rooms. Some of them were so serial in their ‘work’, that they’d just go really thin after one month of their repeated ‘conquests’
The Smokers They simply stay in front of their respective halls and smoke their lungs out. They love to observe new visitors to their halls as if challenging them to enter the hall. They sometimes ignore your greeting. Love this article? Share it with your friends on Facebook And Follow Us on Twitter @lifestylegist FOLLOW US ON OUR BBM CHANNEL C002A9544 FOR LATEST GIST.

The Spoon Crew The funniest of the lot. They always have spoons in their pockets while moving from room to room looking for whose food to devour. They’d just shake your hand, greet you like ‘Baba, how far na,’ and move to your kitchen {If you are living in a self-contained room}. They repeat the process in different rooms until they are sure they have satisfied their bellies. There was only one particular member of the spoon crew where I lived and this guy always knew when I cooked yam porridge. Even when I closed my window while cooking. Once I heard something metal knocking on my door after cooking the porridge, I knew it is neither Jehovah witness nor landlord asking for rent. It was always this guy… 😕 The Owners of the Factory Machines Oh My God!!! These guys rob you of your sleep. Throughout the night, your head will just be vibrating with the sound of their ‘Yamaham’ generators. You won’t be able to sleep, cry or shout during the night. All you can just do is to curse them silently. The worst part is they always seem to have money to buy fuel even during times of scarcity or subsidy removal.
The Serial Bangers These ones have only one skill. Inviting girls to their rooms to ‘finish them off’. Every day, there are different types of girls flooding into their rooms. Skinny, fat, huge, black, yellow, Ibo, Edo, Yoruba, Calabar and all sorts. We usually hailed them most of time and looked at them mischievously after emerging with a new girl from their respective rooms. Some of them were so serial in their ‘work’, that they’d just go really thin after one month of their repeated ‘conquests’
The Smokers They simply stay in front of their respective halls and smoke their lungs out. They love to observe new visitors to their halls as if challenging them to enter the hall. They sometimes ignore your greeting. Love this article? Share it with your friends on Facebook And Follow Us on Twitter @lifestylegist FOLLOW US ON OUR BBM CHANNEL C002A9544 FOR LATEST GIST.
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