1.Using the pregnancy scam method This is the most popular method used by Nigerian girls. They sleep with the guy a couple of times, claim they took a test at one hospital and they need money for the abortion of the unborn baby. In fact some go to extreme cases of forging the pregnancy result papers. A lot of guys after seeing this panic and run up and down to get the money involved. In order to prevent this situation, the most confirmed way is to tell her that you guys will have to take the test at another hospital for verification. If she agrees, then you most probably have a bouncing baby boy or girl on the way. If not, you have a chance to avoid giving her your hard earned money to suck.
2.Using The ‘money For Hair’ Method Nowadays, we see a lot of girls buying a lot of stuff including human hair. They know the exact prices for the items to purchase and the cost of the hairdressers but they know guys are ignorant of this fact and they take note to triple the prices when billing their boyfriends. They know guys can’t differentiate between different types of hair and lie that they want to combine three different continents on their heads {Indian and Brazilian hair on the natural Nigerian hair}. There is temporary solution to this problem though. You can always tell her you want her to barb her hair to look beautiful for you.
3.Borrowing Large Sums of Money and Not giving Back As a Nigerian boyfriend, you are not expected to collect or ask money from your girl. The ladies know this and they use this to their advantage. They ask for money promising to give it back at the next chance they have but sadly, the chance never comes. The solution to this is being stingy. Yes oh! Being stingy!! Love this article? Share it with your friends on Facebook And Follow Us on Twitter @lifestylegist FOLLOW US ON OUR BBM CHANNEL C002A9544 FOR LATEST GIST.
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