0ur c1t1es have l0ts 0f 1nterest1ng w0men. If y0u want t0 get la1d eas1ly, there are s0me types 0f
ch1cs y0u need t0 f0cus 0n. N0t say1ng that y0u sh0uld g0 ab0ut b@ng1ng every0ne but here are the easy t0 get 0nes.
Campus G1rls:
Buy her un1que cl0thes fr0m the c1ty stalls; p1ck her up fr0m her h0stel 1n a b0rr0wed BMW 0r ‘Blue Subaru’. Take her t0 an enterta1nment Club every Fr1day and Saturday and she w1ll unleash 1t f0r y0u 1n the car. The upmarket G1rls: These 0nes embrace the phrase ‘Hard T0 get’ l1ke 1t’s David Livingstone wh0 sa1d 1t. Y0u v1be her 1n Engl1sh, fl1rt w1th her, feed her fam1ly and fr1ends, take her 0n a date at Lepalanka, buy her a Samsung Galaxy S6 and she l0ses 1t 1n 0ne week. Y0u g1ve her quarter 0f y0ur salary then she can let y0u k1ss her. But d0n’t let her shinanigans stress y0u. Y0u just have t0 be smart. 1f y0u want t0 end up 1n her Disneyland, take her f0r shopping at Sarit Centre and tell her you have bus1ness deals w1th Marissa Meyers at 10:00 the next day. She w1ll spread 1t all f0r y0u.
The Wanna Be Kim Kardashian G1rls: They are als0 the types that want t0 be s0c1al1tes. L0cally, Vera Sidika is their r0le m0del. They’ll d0 anyth1ng cheap f0r fame. Just l1e t0 her that y0u are back fr0m Marbella Spain 0r Las Vegas USA and that y0u are a ren0wned vi1de0 d1rect0r. She will let y0u t0 “eat” her 1n her bed. However, make sure y0u survey the r00m, these g1rls always have cameras, and y0u may appear 0n Ghafla 0r the next R1ver0ad p0rn m0v1e. The church G1rls: Just tell her that you are from a r1ch fam1ly and that y0ur father w0rks w1th T.D Jakes 1n Minnesota and she w1ll bel1eve y0u! 0r tell her y0u are a s0n t0 a Bishop hence y0u 1ntend t0 bec0me a pr1est. Add that she 1s the 0ne y0u saw 1n y0ur dream after an angel appeared t0 y0u.
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Buy her un1que cl0thes fr0m the c1ty stalls; p1ck her up fr0m her h0stel 1n a b0rr0wed BMW 0r ‘Blue Subaru’. Take her t0 an enterta1nment Club every Fr1day and Saturday and she w1ll unleash 1t f0r y0u 1n the car. The upmarket G1rls: These 0nes embrace the phrase ‘Hard T0 get’ l1ke 1t’s David Livingstone wh0 sa1d 1t. Y0u v1be her 1n Engl1sh, fl1rt w1th her, feed her fam1ly and fr1ends, take her 0n a date at Lepalanka, buy her a Samsung Galaxy S6 and she l0ses 1t 1n 0ne week. Y0u g1ve her quarter 0f y0ur salary then she can let y0u k1ss her. But d0n’t let her shinanigans stress y0u. Y0u just have t0 be smart. 1f y0u want t0 end up 1n her Disneyland, take her f0r shopping at Sarit Centre and tell her you have bus1ness deals w1th Marissa Meyers at 10:00 the next day. She w1ll spread 1t all f0r y0u.
The Wanna Be Kim Kardashian G1rls: They are als0 the types that want t0 be s0c1al1tes. L0cally, Vera Sidika is their r0le m0del. They’ll d0 anyth1ng cheap f0r fame. Just l1e t0 her that y0u are back fr0m Marbella Spain 0r Las Vegas USA and that y0u are a ren0wned vi1de0 d1rect0r. She will let y0u t0 “eat” her 1n her bed. However, make sure y0u survey the r00m, these g1rls always have cameras, and y0u may appear 0n Ghafla 0r the next R1ver0ad p0rn m0v1e. The church G1rls: Just tell her that you are from a r1ch fam1ly and that y0ur father w0rks w1th T.D Jakes 1n Minnesota and she w1ll bel1eve y0u! 0r tell her y0u are a s0n t0 a Bishop hence y0u 1ntend t0 bec0me a pr1est. Add that she 1s the 0ne y0u saw 1n y0ur dream after an angel appeared t0 y0u.
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